
Welcome to (B)energy

Explore the world of biogas and social entrepreneurship together with (B)energy. We empower people to create honest and aid free businesses using biogas technology.


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Mobile biogas technology

Making biogas mobile means producing biogas from organic waste and transporting the gas using the biogas backpack to where it is used for cooking on a smoke-free biogas stove.
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Biogas as a business

When we say "biogas with an entrepreneurial twist" we mean that (B)energy makes biogas accessible through independent entrepreneurs. Everybody earns, nobody depends! This is unique and only possible through a smart business model that engages 100% local players.
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(B)energy business model

Click below to find out more about the different roles we offer to business partners: from sale of gas through installation to sale of technology.

Our partner training

(B)energy offers a range of educational training to help you get your biogas career started. Check out our training page and take your first step to become a (B)energy installer or distributor:

(B)trained online

A one-day online training that helps you get your head around the science behind biogas and the technology that produces it

Distributor training

A 3-day interactive workshop that provides you with the knowledge needed to start-up a (B)energy distributor business in your country.

Installer Training

This training covers all aspects of installing (B)energy biogas systems. It is the first step towards becoming a certified (B)energy installer.
Our training

From our blog

Klemens Jakob über Biogas von (B)energy

Schon vor mehr als einem Jahr hat sich Katrin Pütz entschieden, ihre kleinen Biogas-Anlagen, die sie bisher nur für den Einsatz in Afrika gefertigt hat, nun auch für den deutschen Markt anzubieten. Da war ganz klar, dass das aktuelle Modell, das sie für Deutschland entworfen hat, auch hier in Isingen zum Einsatz kommen wird.
16. Nov 2022

(B)energy setting biogas trends where unexpected

So far biogas has been promoted as a technology for rural areas, aid organizations have branded this magical solution as something for the poor. How great that this is changing and how wonderful that people who can, simply afford it and switch to biogas for nobel reasons. We have interviewed one of our well-off biogas users.
04. Apr 2022

No-aid, why and how

Running an aid-free biogas company is considered by some as an entrepreneurial suicide. For us and our partners is what makes it all worth it. Let us tell you why.
09. Nov 2021

Aid-free biogas

To understand the unusual approach of (B)energy requires knowdlege of our ethics. Our ultimate goal is to show that biogas can be implemented in a social business approach. But why without aid?
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Who is talking about us

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Eco Amet Solutions talks about (B)energy
Greenpeace Magazin talks about (B)energy

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Email: info(at)be-nrg(dot)com

Landline: +49 2620 902622

WhatsApp: +27 76 563 7219