A biogas system includes a digester, backpacks, stoves, and a greenhouse sheet. With this set you can start producing and selling biogas. Every system also includes a biogas crash-course, the (B)energy app & an a maintenance manual.
This pillow shaped rucksack is the entrepreneurial twist that sets (B)energy apart for its competition. This low-tech solution allows biogas producers to safely store, transport, and sell biogas.
Our biogas cookstove is actually a modular biogas burner. It is available in two kinds of assembly kits and in either “raw” or “black coated” form. The full assembly kit includes all needed parts and is coated with black color.
The biogas filter chemically removes the unpleasant and unhealthy gas hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from the biogas, ensuring a cleaner and safer energy source. It can be regenerated up to 4 times and it can last for about 1-2 years.
(B)trained online
The best way to learn more about biogas is our online training. Watch 5 hours of engaging video content about biogas, from science to technology. Receive a beautiful certificate as prove of your expertise in biogas.