Who is this for?
Biogas installer training is tailored for individuals who are interested in learning about the installation, maintenance, and operation of our biogas systems. The course covers topics such as safety, system design, installation techniques and maintenance. Also included in the training is a biogas theory course that gives an overview of the science behind biogas. This training is an entry point to becoming a certified (B)energy installer.
Why is it important?
Understanding our biogas technology is essential for installers to guarantee safety and provide quality work. With this knowledge, they will be able to recognize and tackle any issues that may arise. Additionally, certification allows installers to show their expertise and provide customers with the assurance they need.
What is it worth?
Our Installer training costs 178.50€. After registering for the training, you will have access to our e-learning platform. You will also be introduced to our unique application, (B)app. With it, you can keep track of your customers, get a step-by-step installation guide, and share your work with us.
How is it structured?
At the start of your installation training, you will take a course on biogas science and technology. The training includes 6 modules, comprising approximately 5 hours of engaging video material. You will receive a certificate at the end. This will be followed by a second course focused on installing our technology. It consists of 7 videos and takes a total of 2 days to complete.