Mark Giannelli
Mark is the chairman and founder of ReBin, a swiss-beninese Foundation that works to showcase circular economy. Collaborating with (B)energy since 2016 they started implementing biogas technology at their waste management site in Toffo. They are now making (B)energy biogas systems available to households, green entrepreneurs and schools.

Michel Joie
Madagaskar / Madagascar
Michel and his company Tana-Tech are willing to improve healthcare and sustainable energy access for all, leveraging human technology tools. Past professional experiences in Madagascar made him conscious that burning forests require alternate cooking methods, triggering the (B)energy local deployment.

Komlan Batema
Komlan is the CEO and founder of the company BATEMA-PfRE (Power from Renewable Energy). He works with different renewable energy partners in West Africa and his central representative office is in Lomé/Togo. Komlan is passionate about making biogas technology available to his people in Togo.