(B)pack: the mobile rucksack

About (B)pack

The (B)pack is a low tech biogas container to store and transport biogas. Its purpose is to facilitate the sale of biogas in countries with poorly developed energy infrastructure.

Safety & storage

For safety reasons the (B)pack should always be stored outside the house. If protected from UV light and sharp items the (B)pack material will last for up to 10 years.

How does it work

The (B)pack is filled with biogas through pressure equalisation with any biogas digester. For cooking the (B)pack is connected to a biogas stove via flexible pipe.


The backpack components are the following: 1000 L capacity, 2 carrying straps, a ball valve with hose connection.
(B)pack: biogas backpack being carried by boy


Compared to gas cylinders or piping systems:

Low tech

No additional equipment or electricity in necessary to operate the backpack

Minimal & safe

A simple innovation, which is affordable and secure (TÜV tested!)

Low pressure

Only a small weight on the backpack is enough to have a powerful flame

Your safety concerns

How safe can a biogas backpack be? How likely is it to explode? And, most importantly, what happens if it ends up on an open fire? Watch the video and find out!
watch video
(B)pack (B)energy biogas backpack

Technical data

Compared to gas cylinders or piping systems:

Dimensions & capacity

1.6 x 2.0 m & 1 m3


Approximately 4kg

External pressure resistance

Tested up to 30.000 daN

Internal pressure resistance

Tested up to 0.5 bar


Following are the certifications that our (B)pack has undertaken:

TÜV tested

We have tested our biogas backpack under high pressure to make sure that it is safe for people to use

(B)energy patented technology

We protect our distributors from imitations and copycats

CE certified

Our innovative solutions should be available everywhere, also in Europe!


an offer for (B)pack

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Connect with us

Email: info(at)be-nrg(dot)com

Contact: +49 2620 902622